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I had been educated and tutored by Miss Teoh in my STPM time. That time, I was a guy who thought too much and a problematic student (ps:I always asked something out of syllabus). Fortunately, I've a great and well-knowledge Lecturer, Ms Teoh, she taught me from fundamental and that allowed me to understand the principle. She always suggested and provided great ways of learning and thinking skills. Sometimes, I was emotional thinking about my future but Miss Teoh opened a whole new door with a whole new world for me. She counseled me most of the time with spiritual words. She was like a flash of positive thinking to me in life and always shares ideas of developing personal skill with me. Miss Teoh is like a star, not always seen but never leave. Glad to be your student. Miss you.

Best wishes from JJay Gan

Electric and Electronic Engineering, National University of Malaysia (UKM)

I think it was a great learning experience, I think that you HAVE BEEN the best Biology teacher I have ever met. In the teaching process, you did not rush in order to finish the syllabus like other teachers usually did. Instead, there was free time in the class when you allowed us to discuss what we had learnt and that was what enhanced our understanding to the lessons. One of the factors is the language. Your language is precise and not confusing. It was really helpful because language is the key to learning something new.


From ZhanQin Ong

Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam

Overall the teaching is interesting despite some of the subchapters that require field trip learning opportunity..


Bachelor of Pharmacy ( Hons.) from AIMST University

Ms.Teoh is a well-explained lecturer and very patient to the students. I was taught by Ms.Teoh in my STPM time at Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam(IBM). Your notes are easy to understand, I think this is one of the factors why I found your lecture quite interesting. Hope that we can meet soon.

From Chun Giap
Bachelor of Biomedical Science, from PSB Sing
apore (La Trobe University)

I was studying Biology during my STPM. Ms Teoh was my subject teacher. She is a great teacher and her explanation is really easy to comprehend.


From Shephanie Kkl

UCSI University

When I studied in IBM for my STPM, Ms Teoh was my Biology subject teacher. I never regret following her class because she was an amazing teacher. There were lots of things we have to study and memorise in but she would explain clearly. She has her own special way to memorise the important points. In addition, she taught us with fluent English so that we can fully adapt to our college/university life in the near future (Which I am already a university student now). I'm studying MBBS now and what she has taught is totally related to the first year medicine course especially human physiology and pathophysiology. Billions thank you to Ms Teoh.


Chua Fu Lin

Bachelor's of Medicine and Surgery, University of Indonesia

I had been taught Biology and Chemistry by Miss Teoh for a few months. She is the best teacher I have ever met. She is good in teaching. I could understand well every after she taught me new knowledge. Her lesson is very interesting too.

Ng Wendis

GEMS International School

Miss Teoh was my MUET (Malaysian University English Test) teacher. She is very cheerful and friendly.  She always prepared exercises for us and gave us a lot of assignments so that we could learn through active learning. She is very smart and patient with her pupils and diligent too. Most importantly, I think that Miss Teoh deserves all the appreciation and respect.


Helen Lee

Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam

Miss Teoh is a good teacher. She taught me MUET at Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam (IBM). She always explained the concepts very well and was able to explain in more than one way if I didn’t understand right away. She made the class interesting with her great personality and is always willing to help. I am so proud to be your student and hope that we can meet up soon.


From Yu Jian

Business Administration, Logistics and Transportation at Universiti Utara Malaysia

Ms Teoh was my STPM Biology teacher. I was not good in memorising. Luckily, Ms Teoh taught the class on ways to memorise and study. Now, this creative way aids me a lot in my university life. It is really helpful. Thank you Miss Teoh

From Michelle Ang
Electronic Engineering , University Malaysia Perlis

Miss Teoh, my lovely MUET teacher. She always tries her best to teach us. We are given time to search for information before speaking task. This helps us to gain knowledge and idea to perform better at the task. Besides that, Miss Teoh is a responsibility teacher. She always checks our grammatical errors individually. She also gives us suggestions to improve our grammar. At this moment, I don’t think that I’m competent in my grammar but I will try hard to improve it. Thank you teacher, miss you.


Wong Sin Yee, Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam

Miss Teoh is a great English teacher. She taught me MUET. Not Only that, she would expose us to new knowledge. I love her style of teaching. There is one philosophy I like in particular: Know the game, play the game. It’s true in every aspect of our life. No matter what we do, we must familiar with the rules of the game before throwing yourself into it. I’m such lucky to had been taught by a good teacher who enabled me to understand everything she taught. Thank you teacher for helping us to improve our speaking too .Thank you, love you so much .


袁嘉颐, Sekolah Menengah Impian Bukit Mertajam

I learned how to write in proper sentences. It is very helpful in my work to reduce misunderstanding and I can understand more from others. Thanks to Ms Teoh for her patient, detail explanation and it is enjoyable learning in the class.


Joeiy Ng, Business English Course 

I have learned some vocabulary, Grammar, speaking skills and etc in the lesson. I have improved my English especially Grammar. Why do I say so? This is because before attending this English course, I always wrote email with polite expression but words used were not so appropriate when it came to formal occasions. Now, I can write formal email. Ms Teoh is a great conductor. She is able to explain in-depth and she can prepare some interesting teaching materials. We NEVER have dull lessons. 


Andeline Ooi  Seow Wei, Business English Course 

I know many words after learning. Sadly my life does not expose so much to English, so after that I can’t remember many words. I think I got little improvement after the course. Anyway, thanks to Ms Teoh for teaching. Wish you all the best.


Kenny Ng, Business English Course 

I feel like after attending the course I got overall improvement.


Kan Choon Ling, Business English Course 

The course was interesting. I learned the phonetics /simple present tense. Her detail instructions made it easy for me to understand the content of the course


Ng huey Yei, Business English Course 

Thank you for your patience & I learned the basic English grammar which is very helpful to me.


Leow SinYing, Business English Course 

I have learnt more verb forms and others which improve in typing messenger.


Tan Ee Peng, Business English Course 

Learn a lot of simple but frequently used words. It is helpful for my job while  speaking or typing with English speaking customers.


Lim Wei Sin, Business English Course 

Before attending the English class, I always used wrong grammar in email. However, my grammar has improved a lot after attending Ms Teoh’s English. The conductor is helpful to me. I'm happy to join this English class. Thank You, Ms Teoh.


Ewe Chiah Ying, Business English Course 

I have learned a lot of basic English and I know how to use correct sentence to speak properly. My English has improved. Lastly, the conductor was helpful.


Foong Jia Xin, Business English Course 

I learn many words, reading and speaking skills. I learned grammar tenses. Sincere thanks to Ms Teoh. Before attending the course, I had limited exposure to English, but now I understand more to the meaning of certain vocabulary. Ms Teoh is very serious in teaching and explaining. Thanks again Ms Teoh. She is a good teacher.


Teh Sze Hooi, Business English Course 

It is enjoyable when Ms Teoh is teaching. She creates fun learning through classroom activities. It is also quite interesting that she uses the teaching materials which enable students to understand the meaning of words. In this way, I can improve my English skills including the grammar part. This has helped me improving my typing skills in replying messages to customers via email or Skype. I got to pick up the skills of basic English, proper word used in speaking. Take for example, mayonnaise, almond, pizza and etc (pronunciation of words which most people got them wrong). Lastly, pronunciation of single letter K,H,Z and S were stressed too. She is a helpful conductor.


Chan Lee Ching, Business English Course 

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